OMSmedia President: Mitt Romney

Today I encourage you to write in a candidate: either Me or Alec Baldwin’¦just saying’¦this vote is worthless for the Republican nomination because the best guy already won. Also, if you decide to vote for Obama or stay home in November you deserve everything the Maya prophecy has to offer…yes, that means I will shoot you as you try to get on the Yacht I stole from the local Marina.

Prop 28
Reduce the total number of years a politician can serve in the California State Legislature from 14 years to 12 years. Permit a legislator to serve these 12 years in either the California State Senate or the California State Assembly. This change would increase the number of years that a legislator could serve in either of those chambers. Proposition 28 would increase the number of years a legislator could remain in the California State Assembly from 6 years to 12 years. It would increase the number of years a legislator could remain in the California State Senate from 8 years to 12 years.

OMSmedia Vote: NO

A fine tuning measure to the great Prop 140 from 1990 (a good year indeed). It’s just people turning knobs no one gives a shit about. There is no cost to this, so it gives you a chance to screw politicians over without any cost to you’¦it’s a win/win. Leave it the way prop 140 was written’¦6 years in the senate you are out’¦ AND/OR 8 years on the assembly. Simple’¦leave it that way. Hey legislature, stop trying to pass new ways to give you more time in office’¦jeez.

Prop 29
If Proposition 29 is approved by California’s voters, the tax on cigarettes in the state will increase by $1.00 per pack. California’s current cigarette tax is 87 cents per pack. The total tax per pack of cigarettes, if Proposition 29 passes, will be $1.87/pack. The additional tax revenue will be used to fund cancer research, smoking reduction programs, and tobacco law enforcement.

OMSmedia Vote: NO

Return of the tax that will not die!! This has been tried many times before, last failure 2006 . Now you might get me to come along if the money went to fund state hospitals for cancer treatments’¦only problem is’¦there are NO state hospitals for cancer treatment. So basically once again you want to take money for things we don’t need like smoking enforcement’¦really’¦we all know what happens when you tax vices’¦pieces get in the general fund’¦or raided outright. One of my rules of life is Tax what you want less of’¦Subsidize what you want more of’¦So you want less smoking?…what happens when use drops 30% next year’¦you going to go cut 30% of those ‘œsmoking enforcement’ people you hired?…didn’t thinks so’¦.you already 87 cents California’¦work with that.

That’s all for the Primary…See you in November

Bonus: The Boys at Bad Lip Reading have a Joe Biden Clip…is it strange that the words they think he says is so accurate?

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