In a race to be the lowest form of news (just below TMZ and the Globe) CNN, who has been whining that Governor Palin has refused interviews with them, Got their chance and here is what they asked:

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So who said that about her’¦. conservative Mag National Review’¦that’s who!!
Here is the full quote:

‘œWatching press coverage of the Republican candidate for vice president, it’s sometimes hard to decide whether Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, backward, or – or, well, all of the above. Palin, the governor of Alaska, has faced more criticism than any vice-presidential candidate since 1988, when Democrats and the press tore into Dan Quayle. In fact, Palin may have it even worse than Quayle, since she’s taking flak not only from Democrats and the press but from some conservative opinion leaders as well….

Yes, there are legitimate concerns about Palin’s lack of experience. Who wouldn’t, at the very least, wish that she had more time in the governor’s office on her résumé? But a look at Palin’s 20 months in power, along with interviews with people who worked with her, shows her to be a serious executive, a governor who picked important things to do and got them done – and who didn’t just stumble into an 80 percent job-approval rating.’

That’s right’¦the assholes over a CNN took a columnists attack on the media as an attack on Palin (a pro Palin column no less)’¦and they took it national. Has ethics and morals just flown out the window’¦did they learn nothing from Dan Rather?
UPDATE:The site that posted the clip: talkingpointsmemo( a lefty blog) has taken down the clip…they thought it was an attack on Palin too…..whoops.

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